Moving Day.....Just not today...

For the most part, moving is an exciting time in peoples lives. The start of a new chapter as we embark on the next journey and step forward into our new neighbourhoods and surroundings. The reasons people move, are as compelling and varied as the people themselves. New job opportunities, relationships, schooling and educational opportunities, investments in commercial or rentals properties, or simply downsizing to create some freedom making life a little easier. In my real estate career, I’ve see them all, and to be part of the journey can be a humbling and often emotional experience. 

But today…my apologies but it’s just not going to work. Today moving is a difficult and quite honestly a painful excersise. Yesterday certainly was fine, and tomorrow, even better. But today, I just can’t. I know it may seem a little selfish, but here’s the thing, last night I played my first hockey of the season. For those of you that were there, I know you get it. Today everything hurts….. even the thought of moving hurts. So please, understand, tomorrow will be fine, but bear with me as I take it easy today. I’m well aware it was self inflicted, so sympathy is not really appropriate, but I really do appreciate your understanding. Why I put myself through this in the name of fun escapes me this morning.

I get the part about we are all getting a little older, but was of the understanding wisdom came along with it???…… Can’t wait see you at the rink.

Chat soon
