Oh, I get it. We are only mid-November. But, December really IS around the corner and the holiday season is approaching fast! For instance...if you have parcels to mail, better get a move on it! Mailing anything overseas....better mail by...NOW, especially for air and surface parcels. If you want to spend extra money, you can wait until mid-December. You can find your dates at Canada Post.
So yes,....People will be bustling around the Sound....decorating, buying presents, mailing parcels, baking, attending craft sales, markets, & social events, and probably shovelling.
No Bah-humbugs here please! Scrooge may leave the building at any time!!!!
I love this time of year. I am already driving my partner crazy by watching the Hallmark Channel.....daily. When home alone, I will blast Christmas/Holiday tunes and dream of Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree with my pups. Of course, the guy is this close (seconds) to having me committed, and I don’t care. You see...my love of Christmas stems from my Mom. Not sure why, but she loves it, as well. I would like to think that it is because I was born on the eve of Christmas Eve. (My mom had a still born before me.....so, maybe I was a gift????) She was so excited to get me home that she took me out of the hospital and had me baptized on Christmas Day. I even have an Aunt named Noella (I, actually, had two.) So, like I said...you can take your bah-humbugs and pocket them!
I will admit...I may have been born in December, but I am a Summer girl, at heart. Doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate all the winter activities. I was in figure skating, loved sliding, cross-country skiing, building snow forts, creating “Frosty” the snowmen and taking walks in the forest. I have downhill skied, went on sleigh rides, gone snowmobiling, and participated in Hockey games. I even camped with snow on the ground. Brrr!!! First song that I was taught on guitar....Silver Bells. I kid you not!!!
Enough about me! I want you to get into the spirit of the holiday....participate, be jolly & enjoy what this area has to offer. If you are from out of town...let me plan your day! Here goes....
Saturday, November 16th — Wake Up! Today is the day that Santa arrives. Dress according to the weather. Put a smile on your face (coffee may be needed to help you achieve this feat) and make your way to the Owen Sound Farmers Market. It is located on 8th Street East, next to the Sydenham River and opens at 8am. There are lots of goodies to be found, which means you may need to bring a cooler if you plan on staying all day.
Next,...put on your Santa/Elf hats/Reindeer antlers....Or, anything with Red, white and black (Typically, colours associated with Santa) because Santa Claus is travelling from the North Pole and coming to town! (Sharing a little secret...I saw Santa last week. He snuck into Centre Court, next to Brand Realty Group, to make sure his Elves were hard at work. He knew they would be...just an excuse to take a nap in his chair. Chuckle!)
He did remind me that The 74th Kiwanis Owen Sound Santa Claus Parade kicks off at 10am...the streets will be lined with excited kids and their parents, relatives, friends and even some pets. Theme this year is, It’s A Musical Christmas? The parade will proceed along 2nd Avenue East, starting at Metro. Then, it will turn onto 8th Street East and head towards 3rd Avenue East. Most exciting....Santa and his elves will proceed to Owen Sound’s City Hall front entrance area to greet the kiddos once the parade is over.
But, that is not where it ends. Gosh, no!!! You may want to grab some lunch and do a bit of shopping downtown, but save some for Heritage Place Shopping Centre because Santa and his Elves will be coming over to Centre Court around 1pm. The jolly, old elf must be taking his vitamin B12 for energy. What a busy day! The Maintenance crew is keeping our rooftop clear for the reindeer & sleigh (although, not really necessary with Santa’s magic.)
The kids can come say hello to Santa, starting at 1pm this Saturday. There is a sign with Santa’s availability, next to Santa’s display. There is, also, a listing of dates and times at Heritageplace.ca under Events. Look for Hello Santa. Pet photos will be available Nov 20th, 27th and December 4th. While at Heritage Place Shopping Centre, stop into Brand Realty Group (also in Centre Court) for your free 2020 Visions Calendar (photos by a young, local photographer, Matt Green).
Now, I know it makes for an extremely busy day....but, this is the kick-off to the holiday season. To me, it’s exciting. Lights and decorations make everything that much brighter. People are generally in a better mood. And, well...it’ll allow you to get your 10,000 steps in.
So...you’ll definitely want to head back downtown for the evening. I told my Mom what was taking place and she wanted to fly here from New Brunswick to take it in....you see, she has been here once before to see this fabulous event....
The Owen Sound Festival Of Northern Lights. Love, love, love. Such an amazing site created by volunteers. Opening Celebration will take place by the Owen Sound Farmer’s Market. Festival Fireworks & lighting of the lights take place at 7pm. It is a spectacular sight, so bundle up, buy a hot chocolate, and take it in!
Now that I have planned out your Saturday, I would like to mention Santa’s Elves. They work extremely hard to make this holiday season special for you and your kids. They have even placed a mailbox in Centre Court for Letters to Santa. They are always busy in the Workshop, making toys....and, they make sure Santa’s display looks great for your photos. They are cute and funny and will make you smile. They are a very important part of our holiday tradition. So, make sure you say hello to them this Saturday!!!
Hey...did I just hear jingle bells on the rooftop?! Nah, that’ll be this Saturday!
Ho! Ho! Ho!